Friday, January 8, 2010

Preventative Maintenance

How long do you think your car will go without an oil change? Your body is similar to your car. If you aren't maintaining it properly it could lead to disaster in the long run. Therapeutic massage is being recognized as a recharge or tune-up for your body, mentally, physically and spiritually. Studies show that regular massages can prevent more serious health challenges later on in life. How often should you get a massage? I recommend at least once per week for the first month, then once per month. This time period may vary due to injuries. Please contact your health care provider if you have been involved in an accident.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pregancy Pampering and More

Attention to all you expecting moms. This table is the only way to get your next massage. It is so comfortable to lie on your stomach and now you can. At least during your massage. I have been asked to rent it out but unfortunatly I'm pretty attached to it. It makes my job so much easier. No more worries about being exposed because of improper draping. Your stomach protrudes through a hole in the table which can be adjusted so you can get a massage throughout your pregancy. How sweet is that? Plus those inserts at the top are for those ladies with larger chests. Come check it out!